with Catalog & SEO

Leads for Weed Creates Top Quality Websites Delivering the Best Online Experience.


“All with Responsive Design ~ RWD”


Fast, efficient, and comprehensive Leads for Weed's Website Design & Build offers include professional design guidance, copy-writing, on-going analysis, and on-going updating from Leads for Weed's professional team. Leads for Weed’s staff will learn about your business to create the best possible online experience for your customers on both traditional and mobile devices. No special quoting is required as costing is quick and easy with Leads for Weed’s menu driven services for basic sites as well as a full suite of optional modules.


"Leads for Weed Design & Build– Innovative design process for swift
implementation with on-going update service."


$550 per Month
  • Design & Build a New Custom Site or Update Existing Site (15 Pages Total)
  • Copywriting Included
  • Detailed Tracking & Reporting
  • Domain, Email, and Site Hosting
  • Mobile & Responsive Web Design

Catalog Site
+Bronze SEO

$950 per Month
  • Design & Build a New Custom Site or Update Existing Site (20 Pages Total)
  • Copywriting Included
  • Detailed Tracking & Reporting
  • Domain, Email, and Site Hosting
  • Mobile & Responsive Web Design
  • SEO (5 Keywords and Permutations)

Catalog Site
+Silver SEO

$1150 per Month
  • Design & Build a New prednisone Custom Site or Update Existing Site (25 Pages Total)
  • Copywriting Included
  • Detailed Tracking & Reporting
  • Domain, Email, and Site Hosting
  • Mobile & Responsive Web Design
  • SEO (8 Keywords and Permutations)

Catalog Site
+Gold SEO

$1350 per Month
  • Design & Build a New Custom Site or Update Existing Site (30 Pages Total)
  • Copywriting Included
  • Detailed Tracking & Reporting
  • Domain, Email, and Site Hosting
  • Mobile & Responsive Web Design (RWD)
  • SEO (12 Keywords and Permutations)

Catalog Site
+Platinum SEO

$1650 per Month
  • Design & Build a New Custom Site or Update Existing Site (30 Pages Total)
  • Copy-writing Included
  • Detailed Tracking & Reporting
  • Domain. Email, and Site Hosting
  • Mobile & Responsive Web Design (RWD)
  • SEO (18 Keywords & Permutations)

Strategic ValueDeliverablesCatalog SiteCatalog Site
+Bronze SEO
Catalog Site
+Silver SEO
Catalog Site
+Gold SEO
Catalog Site
+Platinum SEO
Improved Online Image
Better User Experience

Design & Build a New Custom Site or Update Existing Site New Homepage, New Navigation, New Content, & New Graphic design15 Pages
(Excludes Product Pages)
20 Pages
(Excludes Product Pages)
25 Pages
(Excludes Product Pages)
30 Pages
(Excludes Product Pages)
30 Pages
(Excludes Product Pages)
Copywriting Included
(Copywriting pages are included in the page totals above)
5 Pages8 Pages12 Pages15 Pages15 Pages
Measurement & HostingDetailed Tracking, and Reporting, with HelpdeskIncluded
Domain, Email, and Site Hosting
Advanced Technology
Attract & Engage Users
Mobile & Responsive Web Design (RWD)RWD
Customer Service Module Google Translator, Live Chat, and FAQ pg.
Interactive Pages Gallery, Press Room, Locator, or Age Verification
Catalog w or w/o online Reservation/Order Populated as RequiredIncludedIncluded
Appointment and Delivery Calendar IncludedIncluded
Site Updating & Guidance
Evolving Content to Engage and Attract New Users
Self-Service Editing Tools with Local HelpdeskIncludedIncluded
Client directed changesMonthlyMonthly
Site Analysis, Keyword Adjustments, and UpdatesN/AQuarterlyQuarterlyQuarterlyQuarterly
New or Upgraded Content Pages4 / yr.4 / yr.4 / yr.4 / yr.4 / yr.
Customer Targeting
Social Media
SEO (5-18 Keyword packages; Details in SEO Offers)N/A5 Keywords & Permutations8 Keywords & Permutations12 Keywords & Permutations18 Keywords & Permutations
Keyword & Competitive ResearchIncluded
On-Page Optimization Landing Pages, Metadata, Mobile, Geo, and SitemapQuarterlySemi-mthly.MonthlyMonthly
Off-Page Optimization Link, Bookmarking, Forums, and Search Engine SubmissionsQuarterlySemi-mthly.MonthlyMonthly
Social Media Optimization and Blog Marketing Blogs & Articles (On & Off Site)4 / mth.4 / mth.9 / mth.9 / mth.
CostsMonthly Cost$750$950$1,150 $1,350 $1,650
Website APP Add On (Android & IOS)$100/month$100/month
Additional Pages$10$10
New or Refreshed Logo Design$250$250Included
Weed WorksIncludes: Intel, E-blast, Recurring Email, and CRMIncludedIncluded
Weed Works+ (12 hrs / mth specialist)$420/ mth.$420/ mth.